Thursday, August 16, 2018

13 Points on Canabalt - Finji - 2009 [Android]

1. This is Canabalt:

"Okay, one more try and back to work."
*dies in under a second*
"I mean one more real try."
*2000000000000000 tries later*
"Okay, one more try and back to work."

2. This game is amazing. You can play it in a browser for free but it's worth buying just because I like giving money to people for doing things that I like that they did. You can also play it when you don't have an internet connection.

3. I purchased this many years ago have installed it and played it on every single Android device I've owned ever since.

4. I love the bassy atmospheric soundtrack. One reason I install it on my phones is because you can then set the music as your ringtone and whenever anyone calls you, people know you are the kind of person who installs Canabalt to their phone so they can play it when they have no internet connection. This is nothing to keep secret, people. Shout it from the mountain tops!

5. This game works by attaching a button on your mouse or keyboard directly to your brain. Or, that's what it feels like.

6. You run right and use your brain button to jump. This is both more and less complex than it sounds.

7. There are a variety of special challenge modes that mix it up a bit. This is not necessary but welcome. The pace and timing of the various modes are subtly different in ways that doesn't essentially change gameplay but can keep things feeling fresh if you play for a relatively extended time period.

8. The graphical options have an anti-aliasing setting. Seriously?

9. There is a multi-player mode if you have friends. (You don't.)

10. There is something very polished about the rhythm to this game. It has this very forgiving sort of collision detection so that even if an obstacle thrown in front of you seems impossible, you can actually (almost?) always get past it w/o dying if you react close to instantaneously.

11. Do you hear me? You will blame it on the game but it's your own fault you died.

12. Number 12 is not that important.

13. You can pick this up on Steam to get a bunch of Steam badges relatively quickly for cheap. That's a stupid thing to want to do but you can do it.

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1. I've got to say there's a lot to unpack with Kentucky Route Zero . It is both emotionally poignant and thoughtfully experimental ...